Chiropractic Care Paired with Functional Movement and Rehabilitation

Can Provide Longer Lasting Results

When rehabilitation is paired with chiropractic and various soft tissue techniques, our treatments can quickly relieve pain, improve joint range of motion, and create long-lasting results. Whether you’re a desk worker, stay-at-home mom, weekend warrior or high-level athlete, our team has the expertise to help you achieve your goals.

Rehabilitation Doesn’t Stop After the Body is Healed

Our goal is not only to get you out of pain, but to addess the reason as to why it's there in the first place. Our approach combines functional rehabilitation with human development, assessing the patient’s improper movement patterns and retraining them to correct patterns that protect the body from future injury.

Patients Who Come Into Our Clinic For Rehabilitation Care are Usually Suffering From One or More of the Following Conditions

  • Sore or stiff muscles or joints
  • Loss of range of motion
  • Hip, leg, shoulder, or back pain
  • Sports injury
  • A number of events can cause these injuries; some include: 
    • Muscle overuse and repetitive motion
    • Forceful impacts
    • Disc injuries
    • Poor posture 
    • Sedentary lifestyle 

The Benefits of Functional Movement & Rehab Care

No matter how active you are, your activity level suffers when you’re in pain. Our rehabilitation solutions will help the body heal, find relief, increase range of motion and movement, and build strength. Your responsible recovery process is necessary for your active lifestyle. 

How Our Functional Rehab Care Will Benefit You

Whether your daily physical activity is walking the dog, riding your bike to school, taking a yoga class, hiking a trail, training for a marathon, trying to get back into movement after having a baby, or maybe you haven’t found a daily physical activity yet. No matter where your activity level lies, we’re ready to get you out of pain and to find an active care plan for you. Keeping your muscles, joints, and tendons healthy and strong can contribute to a pain-free, uninjured body. 

Regaining or Improving Your Lifestyle Can Start Right Here, Right Now

Book your appointment today.

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