Here Are Some Frequently Asked Questions That Our Team Has Taken The Time To Answer For You

How does a rehab-based chiropractor contribute to overall wellness?

Rehab-based chiropractic care can offer a wide array of benefits including pain reduction, improved coordination, increased strength and flexibility, enhanced healing process, and prevention of further injury.

Beyond addressing specific injuries or conditions, we to optimize overall health by improving posture, enhancing movement efficiency, promoting healthier lifestyles, and focusing on injury prevention.

What are the benefits of being a cash-based clinic?

A cash-based model allows us to offer affordable, transparent pricing without the constraints of insurance protocols or limitations.

It enables us to spend more time with each patient, provide personalized care, and customize each treatment to help you achieve the best results.

A superbill can be provided after each appointment for you to submit to insurance for personal reimbursement. 

Do I need to be in pain to see a chiropractor?

Not at all. Chiropractic care isn't just about pain relief - it's about optimizing overall health. Regular visits can support fitness goals, enhance overall wellbeing, and help improve athletic performance or proficiency in a hobby.

How Often Should You See a Chiropractor?

The frequency of your chiropractic visits will largely depend on your personal health goals and specific conditions or concerns. As a clinic that prides itself on individualized care, we believe in tailoring treatment plans to meet each patient's unique needs and not a one-size-fits-all approach.
For some, a few sessions might be enough to alleviate certain symptomatic discomfort. For others dealing with chronic conditions or aiming for comprehensive wellness goals, routine chiropractic care may be beneficial. But our ultimate aim is to empower you with the necessary tools and knowledge for self-care, allowing you to maintain your health independently.
This means that while we might see more of you during the initial treatment phase, our goal is progressively having less frequent visits as your condition improves and you become more equipped with self-care strategies. We want you to grow stronger and become confident in managing your health, rather than relying entirely on our services for a lifetime.

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